Upcoming Events

#2 Reading Club: Frantz Fanon's 'Wretched of the Earth'

For our second round of our Reading Club, we will read an excerpt of Frantz Fanon's 'The Wretched of the Earth', a powerful analysis of the effects of colonization and the struggle for independence, offering valuable insights into the psychological and political dimensions of decolonization movements.

We will see you on the 24th May from 12.30-13.30 on WUR campus (location to be announced)!

Register here.

We need your help with painting an art installation!

Workshop: Building the House of Modernity

How does modernity show itself to us, using
the metaphor of a house?

Come join us for a crafty workshop where we will actually build a doll house to play with modernities' promises and fantasies and imagine alternative modes of existence in a context where the house appears to be crumbling.

When: 21 May, 5.30-8 PM
Where: old library, Clockhouse in Wageningen

Register here.

Spots are limited

Good to Know

Exploring Regenerative Cultures for Sustainability

Active Hope Training

Active Hope Training A 4
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