In the Seriously Sustainable Week we co-hosted a few activities with the Green Office, Boerengroep and many other organisations. Despite the challenges posed by an ongoing pandemic, we are rather pleased with the outcome.
On the fifth of October we helped organise the Alternative Thesis and Internship Market. We collected a bunch of organisations that are interested in having students helping out by doing a thesis research or an internship. Sadly, due to a minor Zoom catastrophe, we did not get to share the opportunities in the way we envisioned. On the upside we became Zoom-wizards in a the meagre timespan of three stressful hours, which seemed like an eternity. Also, the list of participating organisations survived the digital flames, and is safely stored on the website of our Boerengroep colleagues at
The very next day we reemerged like a Fenix, hosting the Climate Anxiety event at Thuis. In this event we worked together with the Green Office and XR Wageningen, which organised a talk on the role of media in climate anxiety, and a talk on the potential of biomimicry respectively. We, in turn, decided to provide the creative outlet of the session by organising a collage workshop. We had fun, and actually went to surprising personal/political depth in the resulting dialogues. All in all, we had a good time, strengthened our tactical alliances with the other organisations, made friends and got to carry out what we stand for.
The Social Impact market was also planned for the Saturday of that week, but Corona beat us to it. We wanted to do a fun "guess whose the quote is" game, but the whole event, sadly, got cancelled.
- Review by Luuk Slegers